Frequently Asked Questions

Tracking only Working When App Opened.

Please make sure location in settings for the app is set to always allowed as opposed to only allowed when using the app or never allowed. This is the most common problem and easily fixed. On iOS devices, this is found under Settings->Domicile365->Location. On Android devices, this is found in Settings->Apps->Permissions. Of course, location must be generally on for the device.

Where can I get my detailed tracking logs.

You can email detailed tracking logs to yourself and your advisors on both the Search and Day Count pages of the app. Login and then scroll to the bottom of the home page. You will see a search button and day count button. Click on search button and search the selected range you want logs for. Once the search is complete, click email logs. On the day count page, you will get the option to email cumulative logs at the bottom. You may also get your complete logs on the website by clicking the download logs button at the bottom of the main page.

Missing Days

You may manually enter days and day ranges for time periods prior to starting use of the app. This will permit more complete analysis and day tracking in early periods of the apps use. Also, in the unlikely event that a day is not registered (for example, phone stopped working for a day and needed to be repaired or replaced). Login on the app and go to settings. At the bottom will be a button to add missing days. If you are missing days for periods after you have started using the app, you will be alerted on the home page and prompted to fix.

Multiple Devices

You should enable tracking on your primary device only -- typically your iOS or Android phone. To the extent you use an iPad or Android tablet and have downloaded the Domicile365 app on this other tablet device, you should ensure that tracking is turned off on this other device. Tracking can be turned off on a device by going to settings in the app.

U.S. Possessions and Territories.

U.S. citizens that are resident in certain U.S. Possessions and Territories can obtain certain tax advantages. You can set U.S. Possession and Territory alerts under the Country alert tab/section.

Other Questions.

If you have other issues, please email us at We endeavor to answer all emails within 12 hours.